Hiroshima University PROSPECTUS 2023-2024

c◯photo by the White HouseSchool Building L exteriorHiroshima University (HU) has joined the Japan-U.S. semiconductor collaboration “UPWARDS for the Future,” based on a partnership with Micron Technology, Inc., aiming to strengthen semiconductor research and development and create a training center for human resources, including female engineers. The 11 participating universities, including HU, were selected for their advanced curricula as well as their achieve-ments in realizing diversity, equality, and inclusion.In 2024, Hiroshima University will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its establishment and the 150th anniver-sary of the founding of its oldest predecessor school. In addition to the catchphrase “Row out into a sea of chaos; go beyond the horizon of creativity” and the creation of a new logo, we are also holding various commemorative events, including public seminars and lectures.In April 2023, the School of Lawʼs Day Course and the graduate-level programs were relocated to the Higashi-Senda Campus (Naka Ward, Hiroshima City), becoming a new base for the humanities and social sciences with a focus on legal training. Furthermore, we aim to make the campus function as a base for regional collaboration, including recurrent education/lifelong learning, disaster prevention and mitigation, and exchange between domestic/international students and companies/governments.U.S. President Joe Biden, who was in Hiroshima for the G7 Hiroshima Summit, was also present at the press conference that followed the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) signing ceremony held on May 21, 2023 in Hiroshima City.Community Collaboration Floor SENDA LAB(School Building L 5F)We embrace the universityʼs founding principle of “a single unified university, free and pursuing peace,” striving to fulfill our missions as a national Self-Developmentuniversity under five guiding principles.The Pursuitof PeaceContinuousThe Creation ofNew Forms ofKnowledgeCollaborationwith the Local,Regional andInternationalCommunityThe Nurturing ofWell-RoundedHuman BeingsInformation on the events/commemorative projects:https://150th.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/event/(Page in Japanese)CONTENTS03 An Overview of Hiroshima University05 Feature: Special Talk09 Research 15 Features of Education Researchers Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education17 international exchange19 ADMISSIONS20 Student Support21 community COOPERATION23 Finance24 Lectures25 Campus Guide   Campus Maps 29 Hiroshima university in figures / history30 Campus location & access Facilities at hiroshima universityHiroshima UniversityGuiding PrinciplesHiroshima University participates inJapan-U.S. semiconductor partnershipHiroshima University 75+75thanniversary commemorative projectRelocation of the School of Law toHigashi-Senda Campus completed

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