Hiroshima University PROSPECTUS 2023-2024

Hiroshima UniversityMuseum 〈Higashi-Hiroshima Campus〉28Hiroshima University Museum is an Eco-museum. In the area, there is the main museum, seven satellite museums, and the Path of Discovery (a natural promenade across the vast Higashi-Hiroshima Campus) linking these museums. In addition to its permanent exhibition, the Museum organizes theme-based exhibitions, nature observation tours (Field Navi) and other events.As a “new center for humanities and social sciences with a focus on nurturing legal professionals,” the center provides education for students in the School of Law and other schools. It aims to conduct educational and research projects in collaboration with universities, industry, and local governments, among others.Main MuseumThis is the central facility of the Hiroshima University Museum, which introduces the university and exhibits rare artifacts and documents relating to the local environment and culture, such as fossils and stuffed specimens. It also serves as the information center for the whole museum complex.Satellite MuseumsSatellite museums exhibit artifacts and documents relating to the specializations of the respective schools and centers concerned. They are situated at seven locations: the Archaeological Research Section, the School of Applied Biological Science, the School of Science, the School of Letters, the Central Library, the Amphibian Research Center, and the Higashi-Hiroshima Botanical Garden.Partnership with Local Professional Sports TeamsHiroshima serves as a base for professional sports teams, including Hiro-shima Toyo Carp, Sanfrecce Hiroshima F.C., and JT Thunders Hiroshima. In active cooperation with these teams, Hiroshima University Hospital contributes to improving their performance through measurement of the physical fitness of newly joined players, and daily healthcare guidance.The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Legal Service Center was established in 2005 as part of Hiroshima University Law Schoolʼs social contribution activities. It offers free legal counseling concerning civil affairs once a week.With the philosophy of “Provide holistic and integrated medical care,” “Foster superior medical experts,” and “Pursue new medical innovations,” Hiroshima University Hospital, as a core hospital in the Chugoku/Shikoku area, offers advanced medical care that reflects the latest headways in the rapidly progressing field of medicine. Response to the COVID-19 PandemicConcerning clinical care, the Hiroshima University Hospital has eight beds reserved for critically ill patients ̶ whose treatment includes ECMO. In the event of an infection outbreak, the hospital has 28 beds for patients with moderate symptoms to provide all-out medical attention. The total number of hospital admissions (number of patients x number of days) exceeded 2,000. Hiroshima University Hospital quickly responded and announced its participation in the national governmentʼs workplace vaccination campaign. Not limiting itself to only vaccinating HU students and faculty members, the hospital has actively promoted the campaign in partnership with Higashi-Hiroshima City, undertaking workplace vaccinations at local companies, dispatch-ing dentists to perform certain medical acts, and operating large-scale collective vaccination centers estab-lished by Hiroshima City. The hospital has thus far implemented a total of over 100,000 vaccinations.The present Hiroshima University Institute of History of Medicine was completed in 1999, retaining almost the same design as that of the former Institute of History of Medicine, which was used as an arms depot of the Hiroshima Army Weaponry Factory during the war. The current building, partially constructed with bricks and stones in use at the time of the atomic bombing, is designated as a hibaku building.https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/hosp/Path of Discovery(Hakken-no-komichi)Along this trail, you can enjoy nature in changing seasons and observe a variety of animals and plants that live on Higashi-Hiro-shima Campus, including some endangered species, and numer-ous ruins of pre-historic and later ages.For further informationHigashi-Senda Innovative Research Center〈Higashi-Senda Campus〉Legal Service Center〈Higashi-Senda Campus〉Institute of History of Medicine〈Kasumi Campus〉Hiroshima UniversityHospital 〈Kasumi Campus〉

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