Hiroshima University PROSPECTUS 2023-2024

Hiroshima University opened its doors as a peace-pursuing university in 1949, four years after the atomic bomb was dropped, amidst the remaining scars of the nuclear devastation. Since then, through world-leading cutting-edge research and advanced human resource development, we have matured into one of Japanʼs leading comprehensive research universities with 12 schools, four graduate schools, and one research institute, making contributions to the development of society.Aside from honing our research and educational prowess, we are also making our presence known on the international stage. We have been newly selected in AY 2022 as a center for the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and participated in May 2023 in the “U.S.-Japan University Partnership for Workforce Advancement and Research & Development in Semiconductors (UPWARDS) for the Future,” a collaborative project with Micron Technology, Inc. and 11 universities from Japan and the U.S.We have recently established five priority initiatives as “President 5 Initiatives for Peace Sciences: Towards a university that creates peace” in order to realize our ideal vision for our university. Utilizing our universityʼs strength of “Convergence of Knowledge” and moving towards our goal of becoming a world-class education and research center, we will be focusing on the five issues of semiconductor ecosystem formation; public health security through pharmaceutical development, regenerative medicine, etc.; radiation disaster management; establishing an ocean and maritime Asian center of excellence; and food security.In 2024, Hiroshima University will celebrate its 75th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of the founding of its oldest predecessor, Hakushima School. We aim to embody our catchphrase, “Row out into a sea of chaos; go beyond the horizon of creativity,” while staying unwaveringly true to one of our ideals, “The Pursuit of Peace,” in cultivating cultured global citizens who seek peace and challenge themselves. We will continue to strive toward our goal of becoming a “University of Worldwide Repute and Splendor for Years into the Future.”OCHI MitsuoPresidentHiroshima UniversityRow out into a sea of chaos;go beyond the horizon ofcreativity

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