Hiroshima University PROSPECTUS 2023-2024

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●9()7aanndd AAssiiaa wwccooaassttaall eennggiinneeeerriinngg iinn JJaappaannrreesseeaarrcchhnngg ttssuunnaamm iiiillee ttoo HHUUiitthh tthhee aaiimm ooff ttoo ssttuuddyyii eevvaaccuuaattiioonnrreesseeaarrcchheerrssaa wwoonnddeerrffuull eennvviirroonnmmeenntt ffoorriirroosshhmmaa UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooffffeerrssiiiirroosshhmmaaii 18My research field is tsunami evacuation in coastal cities, and since I come from a country with many tsunamis, studying in Japan was a natural choice for me. It was not an easy decision to move 17,000 km away from my hometown, but I wanted to conduct tsunami research at Hiroshima University, which has the Coastal Hazards lab, and learn about advances in coastal engineering in Japan and Asia. Saijo is a very peaceful city. I think it's a great place to study, with a nice environment and a large campus. I truly enjoy studying abroad at Hiroshima University, and I will cherish this moment for the rest of my life.Second-year masterʼs student, Division of Advanced Science and Engineering,Graduate School of Advanced Science and EngineeringI was enrolled in a master's program from 2011 to 2013, and this is my second time studying abroad here. I think Hiroshima University is an excellent higher education institution for researchers. Under the kind guidance of the professors, students will not only greatly improve their abilities through research and writing papers but also learn cooperative skills through communicating with students from diverse nationalities. Hiroshima University is located amidst beautiful nature, with impressive views of autumn leaves and cherry blossoms. I also learned about Japanese culture and lifestyle through study trips and homestays.Second-year doctoral student, Division of Educational Sciences,Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences●●●●●AustraliaFiji New ZealandPapua New Guinea Research students/Special auditing students, etc.:277Doctoral program:569including professionaldegree program studentsHondurasMexicoNicaraguaPanamaPeruBachelor's degree program:103Research students/Special auditingstudents, etc.:199students:302Masterʼs program:699To OceaniastudentsFrom Oceaniastudents  ● Canada●● USAArgentinaBoliviaBrazilChileColombiaCosta RicaCubaDominican RepublicEcuadorEl SalvadorTo North AmericastudentsFrom North AmericastudentsTo Latin AmericastudentsFrom Latin Americastudents(As of May 1, 2023)Between universities400 agreements signed with354 institutions in 56 countries/regionsBetween divisions412 agreements signed with374 institutions in 55 countries/regionsUndergraduatePostgraduate students:1,545At Hiroshima University, the whole world is your campus.As a hub of international education and research,HU has signed international exchange agreements witheducation and research institutions across the globe.Hiroshima University attracts many students from all cornersof the world and sends many Japanese students abroad.FFrroommCChhHHUUnniivveerrssiittyy aaggaaiinnFFrroommCCaammbbooddiiaa ttoo HHInternationalstudents:1,847230751228Internationalexchange agreementsOverseas bases(As of May 1, 2023)23 bases in 15 countries/regionsFlores Constanza (Chile)Khut Sokha (Cambodia)From the Worldto Hiroshima UniversityA total of 1,847 students from 87 countries and regions are studying at HU (as of November 1, 2022)ur Campus

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