12hen I was assigned to the laborato-ry 30 years ago, the first thing my professor said to me was, “In the 100 years since the industrial revolution, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by 70 ppm. At this rate, it will reach 400 ppm in less than 100 years!” (It was 350 ppm at that time). And I started a biomineral-ization study to see how much CO2 could be reduced by photosynthesis and calcification using calcareous algae. Photosynthesis is carbon neutral (the CO2 converted into organic matter is equal to the CO2 produced by the use of organic matter), but calcification (the CO2 precipitated as the calcium carbonate) is a carbon reduction.I am currently researching bacteria that convert metal ions into compound crystals. My big dream is to find bacteria that can synthesize crystals with the same properties as semicon-ductor crystals and to replace the semiconduc-tor manufacturing process with bioprocesses in the future, which may significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Semiconductors are becoming increasingly important in a digitalized society, but reducing CO2 emissions during the manu-facturing process is also an important issue. Should we give up on dreams when they seem impossible? Since I became a researcher 30 years ago, CO2 has increased by another 70 ppm. If no one does anything, not only will nothing change, it will also get worse and worse.Professor,School of EngineeringGraduate School of Integrated Sciences for LifeField of specializationBiomineralization, microbial genomeFaculty members of the Program of Biotechnology of the Hiroshima University Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life are developing technology to maximize the fermentation capabilities of microorganisms. We have succeeded in converting CO2 into organic acids through fermentation and are currently conducting research to convert them into raw materials for chemical products (substances produced through chemical synthesis). Until now, biotechnology has been limited to substances that microorganisms can synthesize, but now that genomic DNA information has become big data, we have entered a new phase where we can use DX and AI technology to create biosynthetic pathways for the substances on demand and soon produce synthetic microorganisms. My other research involves discovering the useful biocompound genes from the genomes of unknown microorganisms and synthesizing new gene sequences based on the genome information. Since many unknown microor-ganisms are difficult to culture, only a small amount of DNA can be obtained, just enough to determine the genome sequence. Therefore, we need to develop new technologies to synthesize DNA from sequence information. My research style is backcasting, so I first define what I want to make and then synthesize new DNA sequences from large data sets.The idea of using CO2 as a resource has been around for a long time, but it was just a dream Female doctoral students (D1 to D3) who are motivated to play an active role in science and technology fields are selected as STEM Female Research Fellows and receive stipends (equivalent to living expenses) and research funding. With the fellowship, we provide an environment where students can concentrate on their research. Furthermore, we also provide support to master's degree students who have the desire to advance to the doctoral program, and if students receiving support advance to the doctoral program at our university, they are guaranteed STEM Female Research Fellow positions.〈Background photo〉Cadmium recovery by bacterium. It can form cadmium sulfide quantum dots.of some scientists. However, it is now possible to convert CO2 into ethanol and to make polyester, which is commonly used in clothing, from ethanol. Making things from CO2 without using petroleum will ultimately lead to carbon reduction. The world is on track to achieve this feat by 2050. I would like to continue my research with the next generation of research-ers toward a future where products can be made from CO2.500nmRecombinant ■■■■■■■■harboring tellurite reducing activity formed tellurium crystals.Calcareous alga (Coccolithophore) bearing coccoliths (calcite) instead of cell walls.Bacterial samples were collected at seashore. Different bacteria will be isolated from same samples depending on the student doing the work. Professor Okamura says, “The fact that there are endless patterns and diversity makes bioresearch both difficult and interesting.”CdSNanocrystal1μmBacteriaUniversity of Worldwide Repute and Splendor for Years into the Future ▼▼▼Researchers Leading the WorldScholarship system for female graduate studentsin science and engineering fieldsHiroshima University FellowshipHiroshima University Fellowshipfor Female Graduate Studentsfor Female Graduate Studentsin Science and Technologyin Science and TechnologyOKAMURA YoshikoCarbon dioxide emission reduction through bioprocess─ Thatʼs my motivation for my research ─ W
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