●●●●こ●●●●●●●●●bjects” that are cultural assets can sometimes vividly tell us about the times in which they were created. According to literature, before Islamization, Hinduism and later Buddhism were introduced from India around the 5th century to Indonesia, but the details are unknown, and as for Tantric Buddhism, it is hardly recognized at all. By researching the remaining Tantric Buddhist statues and ritual tools unearthed in Indonesia, I am trying to uncover the transmission of Tantric Buddhism by sea. Did you know that there are depictions of Indian monks found in the first tier (lowest tier) of the towers of Japanese Tantric Buddhism temples and on the hanging scrolls found in the inner sanctum of temples? Tantric Buddhism is known to have originated in India and traveled all the way across Central Asia to Chang'an. It was brought back to Japan by monks, including the members of ■■■■■■■■■■■* (eight Buddhist monk pilgrims who visited the Tang Dynasty) such as Kukai and Saicho, and it is worshiped as Shingon Hiroshima Drug-Delivery Research CenterUsing Photoirradiation (Hi-P-DDS)The Research Core for Plant Science InnovationHiroshima Institute of Plate ConvErgenceRegion ResearchHiroshima Institute of Health Economics Research (HiHER)Advanced Core for Energetics (HU-ACE)Hiroshima Research Center for Healthy Aging (HiHA)The Research Center for Animal ScienceChirality Research Center (CResCent)Buddhism and Tendai Buddhism to this day. The Indian monk depictions found in the first tier and on hanging scrolls are important figures who were involved in the introduction of Tantric Buddhism to Japan. In fact, some of these monks are thought to have traveled from India to Chang'an by sea. The place where ships can quickly arrive from ports in East India carried by the ocean currents. Yes, that is Indonesia.My research begins by investigating the traces of Tantric Buddhism in Indonesia and Europe, including museums, art galleries, archives, and statues and ritual tools stored in the depths of their storage rooms. There are 102 cast statues of Vairocana (the Diamond Realm), which is important in Japanese Tantric Buddhism, found mainly in the central region of Java, and also 20 examples of vajra pestles and 37 vajra bells, which are definitely Tantric Buddhist ritual tools, and many other Tantric Buddhist statues and ritual tools have been found, confirming the existence of Tantric Buddhism. In particular, the forms of tines on the ends of the vajra pestle and bell were classified into “closing prongs” and “opening prongs,” and the estimated production dates were estimated to be around the 8th to 10th century and the 10th to 15th century, respectively. Japanese vajra pestles and vajra bells are of the “closing prong” type and can therefore be estimated to have been made around the 8th to 10th centuries. The “opening Core of Research for Energetic Universe (CORE-U)The Research Center for DrugDevelopment and Biomarker DiscoveryHiSENS Research CenterResearch Center for the Mathematicson Chromatin Live DynamicsResearch Center for Hepatology andGastroenterologyCenter for Regenerative Therapy *As of February 28, 2023Tantric Buddhism teaches that the goal is the attainment of Buddhahood in this very body, or becoming an enlightened being, in this life rather than after death. Associate Professor Itou says: “My understanding of becoming a Buddha is supporting each other and cherishing and living life to the fullest. What attracts me so much to Tantric Buddhism is that it beckons us to live better.”Vairocana (the Diamond Realm): Museum Sonobudoyo collection. Unearthed in the central region of Java Island. 7.7cm in statue height, made of silver. Perhaps made around the 10th centuryAssociate Professor,School of LettersGraduate School of Humanities andSocial SciencesField of specializationIndonesian religious art historyprong” type has been found in countries such as Cambodia and Thailand, which is suggestive of the spread of Tantric Buddhism from the 10th century onwards.On the other hand, there is Candi Borobudur, one of the world's largest stone temples and registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located in the central region of Java, Indonesia. Previous research has pointed out that this temple, includ-ing the surrounding temples, has strong Tantric Buddhism elements. It is thought to have been built around the 8th or 9th century, coinciding with the time when Tantric Buddhism was transmitted to and practiced in Japan.Based on examining such surviving examples, including buildings, as well as literary materials such as inscriptions, scriptures, and historical documents, it is likely that a similar form of Tantric Buddhism was practiced in both Japan and Indonesia around the 9th century. The first floor of a pagoda in a Japanese temple depicts a monk crossing the sea. Tantric Buddhism crossed the seas from India to Indonesia, then to China and finally to Japan. Exploring this transmission is an endlessly fascinating lifelong theme for me.*Eight monks who traveled to the Tang Dynasty in the early Heian period and brought Tantric Buddhism to Japan. In addition to Kukai and Saicho, there were Jogyo, Engyo, Ennin, Eun, Enchin, and Shuei.Candi Borobudur: “Candi” is an Indonesian word used to refer to a religious monument. It is one of the largest stone temples in the world. It was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1990. It has been pointed out that when looking at the building from above, it has a structure similar to a “mandala,” which represents the teachings and worldview of Tantric Buddhism.Vajra pestle “closing prong” type: National Museum of Indonesia collection. Unearthed in Central Java. 13.8 cm in widthVajra pestle “opening prong” type: Rotterdam collection. Unearthed in East Java. 18.0 cm in width〈Background photo〉One of the reliefs in the corridor of Candi Borobudur, Gouma Jodo (subduing demons and achieving enlightenment) It depicts the Buddha (center) being attacked in various ways by demons in an attempt to hinder him from attaining enlightenment under the Bodhi tree.Centers of ExcellenceHU aims to create world-class research centers on a continuous basis by providing support for research groups conducting active research activities to drive their further development.●University of Worldwide Repute and Splendor for Years into the Future ▼▼▼Researchers Leading the WorldChirality Research Center to elucidatethe mystery of right- and left-handednessYour right and left hands are very similar, yet they are not identical. This property is called chirality. Our research has revealed that chiral magnets made only from right-handed materials are completely different from normal magnets. It is becom-ing clear that problems with chiral magnets have commonalities with problems in molecule biology and high energy physics. The center is working to elucidate chirality-related problems from a basic science perspective.10ITOU NaokoExploring the transmission ofJapanese Tantric Buddhismthrough Indonesian art Research Centers“O
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