Hiroshima University Admission Infomation 2024-2025

21Research Institute for Semiconductor Engineering promotes collaboration research with various fields, including medical and dental science, and promote research and development of its applications, device technologies, and manufacturing technologies.The institute will promote research and development of cutting-edge semiconductors using the clean room facilities and prototyping/evaluation equipment available at the institute and will promote the shared use of these facilities so that they can be used by researchers in Japan and overseas.This institute was originally established as the Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center under the national academic policy in 1996. In 2024, the Center has developed into the Research Institute for Synchrotron Radiation Science. The missions of the institute are to conduct advanced materials and life science using synchrotron radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray range, and to promote human resource development. The Research Institute is authorized as the Joint Usage/Research Center by the national program, and open to researchers and students from all over Japan and overseas.Hiroshima Astrophysical Science Center (HASC), established in 2004, is a collaborative research facility focused on cutting-edge observational astrono-my cooperated with high-energy satellites. Its main observational equipment is the 1.5-meter KANATA optical-infrared telescope, originally made as the Infrared Simulator of Subaru telescope in National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. With the support of the Higashi-Hiroshima City, HASC built the Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory in 2005-2006. KANATA telescope with a completely new drive and control system was installed in Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory in 2006 May and the proper observations began in 2006 fall.Experimental HallResearch Institute for Semiconductor EngineeringResearch Institute for Semiconductor EngineeringResearch Institute for Synchrotron Radiation Science

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