Hiroshima University Admission Infomation 2023-2024

NovemberDecemberEntrance PreparationIndividual Screeningfor AdmissionQualificationsFebruaryMarchIndividualExaminationAnnouncementExaminationAnnouncementExamination/AnnouncementAprilEnrollmentUndergraduate ProgramsThe IGS Department provides a liberal arts curriculum to develop a diverse approach to exploring and solving current global issues by utilizing an integrative perspective incorpo-rating humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Consequently, knowledge and skills learnt through the curriculum should guide students to the exploration of and possible solutions to issues that modern society is currently facing around the globe.(1) Language education:(2) Tailor-made curriculum: students create their own individual curriculum (3) Multidisciplinary subjects to acquire the knowledge and methodology that SeptemberThe Common Test Application - All courses are conducted in English. - Those whose first language (L1) is Japanese are required to attend a study abroad program in the second year. - Students whose first language (L1) is not Japanese will study Japanese intensively. - Students are encouraged to learn a third or fourth foreign language.guided by their tutors.For more information,https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/igs/admissions/admissions_2024/admissions_2023OctoberNumber of Students 40 per yearApplication RequirementsApplicants must submit any one of the following English proficiency certificates as an application requirement.provide a foundation for the possible solutions to social and envi-ronmental issues.(4) Courses to improve debate and presentation skills in both English and Japanese.(5) Curricula focused on culture and tourism, peace and communica-tion, and environment and society.(6) Global internship for 3rd-year students in private companies, public organizations, nonprofit organizations, and research and educa-tional institutions in and outside of Japan.(7) Project-type problem solving research and graduation thesis.JanuaryIndividualExaminationApplicationThe CommonTestApplication41st year2nd yearBasic courses inuniversity educationMultidisciplinary subjectsIGS core subjectsLanguage educationIGS subjects from three fields- Culture and tourism- Peace and communication- Environment and societyLiberal Artseducation3rd yearElective subjects4th yearGraduation thesisStudents from all over the globe will learn together. They will develop intercultural com-munication competence, broad-mindedness, and cooperative skills to bring more peace to the world.-Cambridge English-EIKEN-GTEC (CBT Type only)-IELTSTM (Academic Module)-TEAP (4 skills)-TEAP CBT (4 skills)-TOEFL iBT®-TOEIC® L&R and TOEIC® S&WCooperativeIntegratedThinkingGlobalVisionAction2024Educational ProgramSchool of Integrated Arts and SciencesDepartment ofIntegrated Global Studies

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