Hiroshima University Admission Infomation 2023-2024

StatusSystemEnrollment Fee Exemption/DefermentStudents with financial difficulties who are unable to pay enroll-ment fees (*Research students are not eligible for exemption.)Exemptions from enrollment fees or deferral of enrollment fee payment.Fees and ScholarshipsUndergraduate StudentMaster’s ProgramGraduateStudentDoctoral ProgramResearch Student (Non-Degree) *Eligible PersonDetailsTOTAL¥847,800Tuition¥535,800Enrollment Fee¥282,000Application FeeApplication Fee¥30,000Tuition(Second half)¥267,900Tuition(First half)2nd year of Integrated Arts and Human SciencesProgram studentGraduate School of Humanities & Social Sciences[ Full Exemption ]¥312,000Enrollment FeeTuition Fee ExemptionStudents with financial difficulties who are unable to pay tuition fees (*Research students are not eligible for exemption.)Exemption from paying all or part of tuition feesFor more informationhttps://momiji.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/momiji-top/en/life/financial.htmlTOTAL¥847,800During my undergraduate course, amidst many remarkable opportunities, I was most fascinated by the faculty's expertise, motivating me to pursue further research in my master's program under their mentorship. My advisors have consistently demon-strated exceptional support and openness, not only shaping my academic path but also nurturing my creative pursuits. Hiroshima University stands out for its unique ability to foster my passions. The encouragement I've received here has strengthened my commitment to pursue my research and creative endeavors wholeheartedly.Tuition Fee Exemption[ Half Exemption ]¥579,900TuitionTOTAL¥847,800¥267,90023Expenses for studying in Hiroshima University(In the event that tuition fees are revised, outstanding fees must be paid at the revised rate.)Research fees must be paid in a lump sum within 6 months. If the research fee is not paid within 3 months of admission, the research student's admission will be cancelled.(As of April 2023, in Japanese yen)Enrollment Fee Exemption/DefermentApplication Fee¥30,000Application Fee¥30,000EnrollmentFee¥282,000Tuition(Second half)¥267,900Tuition(First half)EnrollmentFee¥282,00017,00030,00030,0009,800282,000282,000282,00084,600¥267,900[Research Fees] 29,700 (per month)535,800 (per year)535,800 (per year)535,800 (per year)¥565,800HU has manyscholarship recipients.At Hiroshima University, 27 percent ofinternational studentsreceive scholarships.HU ScholarshipElahe Nassr (Iran)1,726studentsRecipients27%Enrollment ExpensesTuition and FeesExemption/Deferment SystemScholarship RecipientsFees and Scholarships

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