Hiroshima University Admission Infomation 2023-2024

1Hiroshima University (HU) was established in 1949, four years after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, as a 'peace university'. Since then, HU has continued its progress as a leading comprehensive research university in Japan. I am pleased to say that the project to integrate the research efforts of four graduate schools (Humanities and Social Sciences, Advanced Science and Engineering, Integrated Sciences for Life, and Biomedical and Health Sciences) was launched and progressed smoothly towards the planned inauguration of the Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society. This school was successfully established in April 2023. In this new structure, researchers from the five graduate schools aim to work together to produce integrated knowledge and implement innovative practices. Aiming to expand globally while remaining deeply rooted in the local community, Hiroshima University will seek to open a new horizon in the fields of education, research and social contribution in the 'with- and post-COVID-19' era.About HUContinuousSelf-DevelopmentThe Pursuitof PeaceThe Creation ofNew Forms ofKnowledgeCollaborationwith the Local,Regional andInternationalCommunityThe Nurturing ofWell-RoundedHuman BeingsWe embrace the university's founding principle of 'a single unified university, free and pursuing peace' and strive to fulfil our mission as a national university under five guiding principles.About HUOCHI MitsuoPresidentHiroshima UniversityHiroshima UniversityGuiding PrinciplesUniversity of World-wide Reputeand Splendor for Years into the Future

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